Facet Joint Syndrome

Injuries to the facet joints can be the result of many causes, but essentially it is a sprain to a ligament. The injury is caused by excessive movement, which causes damage to the joint capsule, which results in pain, swelling and inflammation. The pain, in turn, causes a reactive muscle spasm, which is a protective mechanism to limit movement at the injury site. This results in pain and an inability to move comfortably

Shin Splints

Shin splints are muscle injuries that develop gradually in one or both lower legs. The pain is usually described as an “aching soreness” that progresses and is particularly noticeable when walking or running. This is an overuse condition that develops secondary to repetitive strain at the muscle insertion – either in the very active athlete or in a patient who has started or increased a new walking or jogging routine.


The human nervous system constantly works, via subtle changes to muscles, to keep our spine in a straight line, but occasionally a lateral (sideways) curvature develops. If the curvature is larger than 10 degrees, it is called a “scoliosis.” In more than 80% of structural scoliosis cases, the cause of the curvatures is unknown. This condition is called idiopathic scoliosis.

Spinal Stenosis

A common cause of low back and leg pain is lumbar spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis is caused by a narrowing in the spinal canal. This narrowing may be caused by degeneration/arthritis, mechanical problems or congenital abnormalities. Stenosis may or may not result in low-back pain, limping and a lack of feeling in the legs.

Do YOU suffer with migraine headaches?

The headache from a migraine, with or without an aura, usually has the following characteristics: throbbing, pounding, or pulsating pain that often begins on one side of your head and may spread to the other. Intense pain is often concentrated around the sides of the forehead and can last from 4 to 72 hours. Some symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, visual disturbances (such as flashing lights or zigzag lines, temporary blind spots, or blurred vision), lightheadedness, or vertigo can occur during, or before the headache.

Is Sitting the New Smoking?

analyzed how two common pastimes effect life expectancy. They found that for every hour of TV that people watch, presumably while sitting, it cuts about 22 minutes from their life span. By contrast, it’s estimated that smokers shorten their lives by about 11 minutes for every cigarette they smoke.

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